Over 10 Years of Preschool in Saskatoon
Alerces Spanish Preschool in Saskatoon will become like a second home for your kids to grow and learn. For more than 10 years parents have trusted us with their kids' care in preschool and kindergarten and we are honoured to support families by providing a safe, nurturing learning environment for your children.
Half Day and Full Day Preschool for Ages 2.5 to 4
Many parents have walked this path before, leaving their children for the first time in the care of someone else. We’ve shared smiles, wiped tears, given hugs, held hands and are here to support families as their little ones gain independence. As the only Spanish preschool in Saskatoon we offer an enriching environment that fosters learning through art, music and play.

When children play, they are experiencing the world with their entire being.
R. Steiner
Cooperation & Communication
Through routine and consistency children learn to be kind and considerate while maintaining their individual wants and needs
Child-Centred Learning
Children learn best when they are interested, curious and engaged in their learning
Teachers observe how each child interacts in their environment and provides instruction and play based learning inspired by each child
Music, Dance & Art
Every moment throughout the day is a moment for music as children stomp their feet, clap their hands, and learn how every single object has a unique sound that can be applied to rhythm and song
Before & After Care
Supervision from teachers they know and trust in the same building
Unstructured time to play and rest
Available on a monthly or daily basis
Bilingual Spanish Preschool
Alerces offers the only Spanish preschool program in Saskatoon with a unique bilingual opportunity. Preschoolers attending Alerces benefit from a rich learning environment with the combination of both Spanish and English as children learn phonics, math, storytelling, music, movement and kindness. Unlike most preschools in Saskatoon where children attend for a few hours 2-3 times per week, children attend Alerces every day for a half day or a full day, which helps with the language acquisition.
We believe that kids should be kids and encourage activities where they can play, be active, use their imagination, and share ideas. Where some children may feel passionate about art, others may focus on role playing or building. Teachers adapt to the learning needs of the child while creating an inclusive, inspiring classroom. Parents can feel confident that their children are encouraged to play freely while meeting the benchmarks of early childhood education. In addition to our wonderful learning environment, we take children on field trips as much as possible throughout the year.
Preschool Program FAQS
1. Is preschool the same as kindergarten?
Preschool is not the same as kindergarten. Preschool is typically for children ages 2.5 years to 4 years of age. Our preschool combines early learning in reading and numbers through play-based learning, crafts, building routines and social skills, and following rules.
2. What is the difference between preschool and kindergarten in Canada?
Both preschool and kindergarten in Saskatchewan are optional, although a child must begin school by age 7. Kindergarten marks the beginning of structured learning as students learn the curriculum, whereas in preschool children learn through play.
3. What age does preschool start in Saskatchewan?
Children can start at Alerces preschool as early as 2.5 years of age if they are potty-trained, and attend preschool until the age of 4.
4. What is the difference between daycare and preschool?
Daycare is childcare for infants and toddlers (and sometimes older children) with a focus on free play and the childcare provider does not have to have an Early Childhood Education certificate. Preschool can serve as childcare as well for children as young as age 2.5 and is a learning environment that blends free play with structured learning with a focus on preparing children for school.
5. What if my child still naps?
Children can continue their napping routine at Alerces. We have a separate room for napping and each child has their own sleeping mat. We also encourage parents to send a special blanket to school for naptime. Kids that no longer nap will be able to play with the others outside or through quiet indoor activities.
6. Do you provide lunch & snacks?
We do not provide lunch and snacks, each parent sends nutritious snacks and a lunch according to their child’s dietary needs and preferences.
7. How old does my child need to be to attend Alerces?
To start preschool in the fall, your child must be toilet trained and out of diapers. The youngest age we accept is 2.5 years of age (30 months), turning 3 years old by the end of January of the school year.